
How To Remove Circuit Breaker

Resilience4J: Circuit Billow Implementation on Leap Boot

In a microservice architecture, it'southward common for a service to call another service. And in that location is e'er the possibility that the other service being called is unavailable or unable to respond. And so, what can nosotros practice when this happens?

Microservices illustration

Let'south take a await at example cases below.

  • When microservice B calls microservice C and microservice C unavailable or unable to reply, microservice B may have encountered an error. And if microservice A calls microservice B which is encountered an fault, this causes microservice A is just wasting its resource, right?
    Actually, we can tune or optimize the microservice, 'cause information technology'due south nevertheless within the scope of our workspace.
  • When microservice B calls the external microservice and unfortunately the external microservice is downwards. Actually, microservice B is simply wasting its resources. This volition also definitely touch on microservice B when chosen by microservice A. In this case, there is zilch to exercise except await for a tertiary party to check what'south incorrect with their microservice.

From the 2 cases to a higher place, we can conclude that when a microservice encounters an error, it will accept an touch on on other microservices that telephone call information technology, and will likewise accept a domino consequence. And then, what can be washed to prevent a domino consequence similar the cases to a higher place? Well, the reply is a circuit breaker mechanism.

The concept of a circuit breaker is to prevent calls to microservice when information technology's known the call may fail or time out. This is done and so that clients don't waste their valuable resources handling requests that are likely to fail. Using this concept, you lot can give the server some spare time to recover.

And then, how practise we know if a asking is likely to fail? Yeah, this can exist known by recording the results of several previous requests sent to other microservices. For example, four out of five requests sent failed or timeout, and then most likely the adjacent request volition as well encounter the same thing.

Circuit Breaker State

In the circuit breaker, there are 3 states Closed, Open, and Half-Open.

  • Airtight: when everything is normal. Initially, the circuit breaker is in a Closed country.
  • Open: when a failure occurs in a higher place predetermined criteria. In this state, requests to other microservices volition not exist executed and neglect-fast or fallback will be performed if available. When this state has passed a certain time limit, information technology will automatically or according to certain criteria will be returned to the Half-Open country.
  • Half-Open: several requests will be executed to detect out whether the microservices that we are calling are working normally. If successful, the state will exist returned to the Airtight country. However, if it still fails it will be returned to the Open state.

There are 2 types of circuit billow patterns, Count-based and Time-based.

  • Count-based: the excursion billow switches from a closed state to an open country when the last Due north requests have failed or timeout.
  • Fourth dimension-based: the circuit breaker switches from a closed land to an open up country when the last N time unit has failed or timeout.

In both types of circuit breakers, we can determine what the threshold for failure or timeout is. Suppose we specify that the excursion breaker volition trip and go to the Open country when 50% of the last 20 requests took more than 2s, or for a time-based, we can specify that 50% of the concluding threescore seconds of requests took more than 5s.

After nosotros know how the circuit breaker works, and then we will try to implement it in the spring kick project.

One of the libraries that offer a circuit breaker features is Resilience4J . And so, for the example project, we'll utilise this library. Offset, we create a spring kick project with these required dependencies:


We will create a simple REST API to start simulating a circuit breaker. This Residuum API volition provide a response with a time delay according to the parameter of the request we sent. For case, if we send a asking with a delay of v seconds, then information technology will return a response after v seconds. In the other words, we will make the circuit breaker trips to an Open up State when the response from the asking has passed the time unit threshold that nosotros specify.

Pay attention to line 3. An API with a circuit breaker is simply marked using the @CircuitBreaker annotation followed by the name of the circuit breaker.

Side by side, nosotros will configure what atmospheric condition will cause the circuit billow to trip to the Open State.

The above configuration volition create a shared circuit breaker configuration. Information technology can be used for any circuit breaker instance we desire to create. Find that nosotros created an instance named example, which we employ when we comment @CircuitBreaker on the REST API.

Allow'south expect at the following configurations:

  • Sliding-window-type: nosotros will employ a count-based circuit breaker type. In this type, the excursion will trip or move to an open state based on each incoming asking.
  • Sliding-window-size: we will employ this parameter to tape the terminal N requests to brand the excursion breaker trip or open. Here, nosotros volition tape the final v requests.
  • Failure-charge per unit-threshold: it shows the percent of the total sliding-window-size that fails and volition cause the circuit breaker trips to open state. This means, with a configuration of 40%, 2 out of 5 failed requests will cause the circuit breaker trips to open land.
  • Irksome-phone call-rate-threshold: it shows the pct of the full sliding-window-size that fails which will cause the circuit billow trips to open state. From the configuration above, it can be seen that two out of 5 failed requests volition crusade the excursion breaker trips to open up state.
  • Slow-call-elapsing-threshold: is the fourth dimension taken to point the received response exceeds this configuration time will be recorded equally an fault count.

For other configurations, please refer to the Resilience4J documentation.

To simulate the circuit breaker above, I will use the Integration Examination on the REST API that has been created.

Pay attention to the code. I am using @RepeatedTest annotation from Junit5. With this annotation, we can test with as many iterations every bit we want. The in a higher place code will do ten iterations to telephone call the API that we created earlier.
Each iteration will be delayed for N seconds. When the iteration is odd, then the response will be delayed for 2s which will increase the failure counter on the excursion breaker. Whereas when the iteration is fifty-fifty then the response will be delayed for 1s. When the to a higher place test is run, it will produce the following output:

Allow'southward look at iterations 6, seven, through 10. Failed right? Why are that happened? Yaps, because the counter for circuit breaker trips to open state has been fulfilled (≥ twoscore% of the last 5 requests). This causes the side by side asking to be considered a failure. If we look in more detail at the sixth iteration log we volition find the following log:

Resilience4J will fail-fast by throwing a CallNotPermittedException, until the state changes to closed or according to the configuration we fabricated. So how do we handle it when it's Open up Land just we don't want to throw an exception, simply instead make it return a certain response? It's easy enough to add a fallback to the @CircuitBreaker annotation and create a office with the same proper name. Let's add the following line of code on the CircuitBreakerController file.

We volition create a function with the proper noun fallback, and register it in the @CircuitBreaker annotation. And then, when the excursion breaker trips to Open up state, it will no longer throw a CallNotPermittedException merely instead will render the response INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. We try to evidence information technology by re-running the integration test that was previously fabricated, and volition get the following results:

Every bit nosotros can see, all integration tests were executed successfully. That way the client from our application can handle when an Open Land occurs, and will not waste material their resources for requests that might be failed.

Actually, the Resilience4J library doesn't just have features for excursion breakers, merely there are other features that are very useful when we create microservices, if you lot want to take a look please visit the Resilience4J Documentation.

The total source lawmaking for this commodity is available in my Github.


  • Resilience4J
  • JUnit5: Repeated Test
  • WebTestClient


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