
How To Remove Black Bacteria From Teeth

Removing Stains on Teeth

28 April 2020

Common Causes of Stains on Teeth and How to Care for Them

Stains or discolouration on the teeth tin affect the smile. It's a common problem many of us confront and can often cause irritation or embarrassment.

Withal, not all stains are created equal. There are many unlike types of teeth discolourations, such as brown stains, white spots, bands or evenly yellowish teeth.

The practiced news is that there are several ways to remove teeth stains or cover them up. Thus, information technology helps to understand the nature of the stains to bargain with them finer.

What Are The Types of Teeth Stains?

Stains can be categorised into extrinsic and intrinsic ones. Extrinsic stains are stains that collect on the surfaces of teeth, as highly-coloured food and drinks tin can leave deposits on our teeth.

Intrinsic stains occur when the molar construction itself is penetrated past a discolouring agent.

Common examples of extrinsic stains are:

one. Tea and coffee leaving chocolate-brown to black deposits on teeth. These can be hard to remove, especially from the pits and grooves on our teeth.

Examples of Extrinsic Teeth Stain

ii. Smoking/tobacco utilise produces a yellowish-brown to blackness discolouration. The stains oftentimes collect in between teeth and on the back surfaces of the teeth (facing the natural language).

What's the Difference in Removing External vs Internal Teeth Stains?

Removing Extrinsic Stains

Extrinsic stains can be removed by visiting your dentist for scaling and polishing. Stains are removed during the process of polishing, often accomplished past using a polishing cup every bit well every bit a polishing jet.

Removing Intrinsic Stains

Equally the proper noun suggests, the stains are "ingrained" and are more difficult to remove than surface stains. Cleaning alone would not have any success in removing intrinsic stains. Thus, allow's expect at the different causes of intrinsic stains and methods for removing them.

Stain Removal for Different Causes of Intrinsic Stains

1. Tetracycline Stains

Stained teeth - Tetracycline

Sometimes called antibiotic staining, this occurs when tetracycline particles are incorporated into the dentine of teeth during their formation. This can happen anytime from the second trimester in utero to eight years of age. Since the colour is role of the tooth'southward structure, it cannot exist removed and will not fade with time.

Mild tetracycline staining manifests every bit a yellowish and light gray discolouration, while more than astringent cases are characterised by a dark grey or bluish discolouration, often actualization in bands.

How to Remove Tetracycline Stains

Teeth Whitening, Veneers & Crowns to Remove Tetracycline Stains

Mild to moderate tetracycline stains reply well to professional teeth whitening performed by dentists with hydrogen peroxide. Thus, a combination of in-clinic whitening and take-home whitening kits tin can yield good results over fourth dimension.

Yet, astringent cases may not respond to whitening handling. In this case, the affected areas may need to exist physically covered with ceramic veneers or crowns to cover up the stains.

2. Fluorosis

Excessive Flouride Stained Teeth

Fluorosis is a common miracle in areas where there is a higher fluoride content in the drinking h2o, such as in Singapore. Fluoride is beneficial in preventing dental caries (molar decay).

All the same, the ingestion of fluoride by children during the development of enamel can upshot in white patches or streaks on teeth, sometimes coupled with yellow or brown lines or patches. This cosmetic status is called fluorosis. Although information technology'south harmless, it may affect the await of a smile.

How to Remove Stains from Fluorosis

Apply a liquid resin - ICON on the tooth surface

Fluorosis tin can be treated well with Icon infiltration, which is a technique using a fluid resin on afflicted enamel to accomplish an optical masking result. The dentist will employ the tooth-coloured resin to fill and embrace the discoloured spots. This technique can give beautiful results when combined with whitening.

three. Caries (Tooth Decay)

Molar disuse is the result of abiding acid attack on teeth surfaces produced past bacteria in the oral fissure. Early on stages cause tooth enamel to lose its sheen and appear as white or dark-brown spots/patches.

The Progress of Tooth Decay

Equally tooth decay progresses, a cavity forms, appearing as a dark brown or black crater. A cavity on one side of a tooth can also appear as a dark gray shadow when seen from the contrary side.

Removing Spots from Caries (Tooth Disuse)

Icon infiltration (see above) may exist able to treat less extensive white or brown spots without cavities. That will cover the spots and besides prevent tooth decay from worsening. This helps prevent the need for fillings in the time to come.

Tooth-Coloured Filling

Tooth-coloured filling

On the other hand, if you have cavities, they have to be treated with fillings. There are mod tooth-coloured materials which can accomplish fillings that blend well with enamel and appear "invisible".

4. Former Fillings

The source of teeth discolouration tin can exist your existing fillings. Hither are some common problems we see in patients:

  • A poorly contoured or poorly polished filling can choice upwardly and trap stains more quickly than the tooth effectually it.
  • Leaking fillings volition announced to accept a dark-brown or black edge where the filling meets the tooth.
  • Recurrent tooth disuse under fillings can produce grey shadows in the teeth.
  • One-time metallic fillings tin crusade the surrounding tooth to stain grayness.

Removing Discolourations from Sometime Fillings

You may accept to remove problematic fillings to solve issues with stains or discolouration. The dentist may place new fillings to replace lacking or unsightly fillings.

For the new fillings, you can opt for modern materials. They can produce fillings that look just like teeth when used with proper technique.

5. Age

It is mutual for teeth to wait more than yellow or darker with age. This is usually due to a combination of factors:

  1. Wearing down or thinning of the outer translucent enamel, which increases the prominence of the underlying yellow dentine.
  2. Increased dentine thickness through the formation of extra dentine throughout life creates a darker yellow appearance. The dentine is the inner, xanthous layer of your molar. Thus, your teeth appear yellower when dentine is thicker or when outside enamel is thinner.
  3. Years of cumulative staining effect of food and drink (specially items mentioned in Extrinsic Stains, such as tea and coffee).
  4. Often, old and leaking fillings likewise contribute to the overall discolouration.

Removing Discolourations from Age-related Problems

By and large, yellower teeth in older persons answer well to teeth whitening. Extrinsic stains from food and drink can be removed with scaling and polishing likewise. Lastly, the dentist can replace lacking or discoloured fillings.

In Decision

The solutions for getting rid of stains and discolourations on teeth depend on their causes. Getting regular scaling and polishing keeps your teeth free from external stains from food, drinks and smoking. Nonetheless, no amount of cleaning tin whiten intrinsically stained teeth!

Teeth can learn intrinsic stains due to tetracycline staining, fluorosis, caries, old/problematic fillings, or age. These can cause white/brownish spots, discolourations, or xanthous-looking teeth.

Depending on the cause, you can opt for teeth whitening, icon infiltration handling, or even veneers and crowns to cover the stains for a whiter, more fifty-fifty smile.

If y'all're looking for treatment for stained or discoloured teeth, you can book an date with our friendly dentists today.

Need help with stained or discoloured teeth?

Book an engagement with Dr Jonathan Liu today.

About Author


Dr Jonathan Liu

Dr Liu graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor'south degree in dentistry in 1998 and has since been in full-time private practice. His focus of practice lies in aesthetic dentistry, root canal handling, and minor oral surgery.

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