
Cyberpunk 2077 developer warns players against installing mods

Cyberpunk 2077 developer warns players confronting installing mods

Cyberpunk 2077 will support Xbox Series X Smart Delivery credit
(Image credit: CD Projekt Carmine)

It seems like no affair what happens, Cyberpunk 2077 tin't go abroad from bad news. Console players are in the clear this time, even so, with developer CD Projekt Blood-red warning players to be cautious when installing mods.

Evidently there's a "vulnerability in external DLL files which can exist used to execute code on PCs." A fix is incoming, just in the concurrently CDPR has warned against installing mods from "unknown sources." Which might besides say don't install any mods, menstruation.

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Anyone who knows nearly PC gaming will know that mods are basically a free for all, especially now that CDPR has released Cyberpunk 2077's official modding tools.

Since this vulnerability does be, it means anyone could sneak something sketchy into your PC bearded every bit a mod for the game. Be it a fix for one of its many bugs, or the outlawed modernistic that lets you accept sexual practice with Keanu Reeves' Johnny Silverhand.

Unless you can read and empathize a modern'south code, you're going to want to concord off on modding until CDPR tin coil out a fix and confirm that it works. Thankfully this flaw doesn't affect your gameplay experience, so you can still play Cyberpunk 2077 as normal.

You lot're simply not going to be able to turn your car into Thomas the Tank Engine, or something equally equally absurd. The beauty of mods means that you don't need to be stuck with the same assets and features that came with the game. Hopefully it shouldn't take long to set up the issue.

  • More: Cyberpunk 2077 patch one.1 includes a horrible bug

Tom is the Tom's Guide's Automotive Editor, which means he tin usually be institute knee deep in stats the latest and all-time electric cars, or checking out some sort of driving gadget. It'due south long manner from his days as editor of Gizmodo UK, when pretty much everything was on the table. He'southward commonly found trying to squeeze another behemothic Lego set onto the shelf, draining very large cups of coffee, or complaining that Ikea won't let him buy the stuff he really needs online.


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